Click the play button to hear the English and Halq’emeylem pronunciation of the title of this tab

Big Idea:

World views are developed and dependent upon our geographical, cultural and familial influences. There is not one world view but many. When contrasting world views come together, conflict can ensue. However, when world views come together, there is also the opportunity to learn about one another, creating a more respectful and balanced community.

Focus Questions:
1. Define what a World View is and include the influences that form that world view?

2. Describe your personal World View and how you came to it?

3. Compare and Contrast the World View of the Sto:lo and the Europeans who first arrived into their territory?

4. What was the impact of those World Views coming together?

5. How might the journey of reconciliation lend to a more respectful co-existence of World Views?

Digital Resources:

Click here to Explore Aboriginal Worldviews and Perspectives In the Classroom

“The inspiration for this project was to support and build upon a regional dialogue that would lead to further strategies and clear commitments from all educators as we work to serve each learner, families, and communities. ….. The themes that emerged across territories and communities inspire a call to action. New constructs for leadership, Indigenous pedagogical practices, Aboriginal perspectives and content, and a vision for decolonizing mindsets were among the wealth of ideas expressed as to how we move forward both individually and collectively. It is our responsibility to sustain this conversation and to make commitments to ensure that we are successful.” (ProD)

Aboriginal Title: An understanding of land claims in British Columbia based in the concept of “aboriginal title” as researched and considered by UBC’s First Nations and Indigenous Studies Department.  “Aboriginal title refers to the inherent Aboriginal right to land or a territory….. Aboriginal title and rights are separate from rights afforded to non-Aboriginal Canadian citizens under Canadian common law.” (ProD)

Click this link or the picture below to learn about Cultural Protocols of the Sto:lo People

Screen Shot 2017-05-20 at 9.45.40 PM

Video Resources:

Sto:lo Past and Present was graciously loaned to the Mission School District 75 by the Coqualeetza Cultural Education Centre.  (Please note that this documentary may use some “dated” terminology regarding Canada’s First Peoples)

Worldviews and Reflections on National Aboriginal Day: On this date, Elders, MPSD 75 District Staff, Students and Dignitaries shared a salmon feast and witnessed an honouring ceremony for the courageous survivors who contributed to the District’s Residential School Curriculum. This film highlights various perspectives and Worldviews and archives the day’s events.


Click this link or the picture below to watch Chief Dan George’s “Lament for Confederation 1967

Chief Dan George

The following Documentary explores the Sto:lo Worldview as it comes up against the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. This may be a good starting place to facilitate discussion in your classroom around the Worldviews of Land in British Columbia